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Podcast Shopify 3 Actionable Insights

3 Actionable Insights from… Gary Vaynerchuk


By Kenneth Hein, US Editor

July 29, 2020 | 4 min read

The Drum’s 3 Actionable Insights series asks industry leaders to give their thoughts on the actions our readers should take immediately.

gary v

Gary V says listen to podcasts, all of them.

How do you get ahead on podcasts, e-commerce and avoid expensive consultant fees? Gary Vee shares his opinions on it all. Here are three practical actions he recommends marketers take right now.

Gary Vaynerchuk is never shy with an opinion whether it’s about Facebook, how to buy sports cards or sell wine. Occasionally, these opinions come adorned with a ‘F’ bomb. For this interview, Gary Vee played the hard, fast and clean role of practitioner. Why? Because that type of thinking is required now more than ever, he says. “My number one piece of advice, by a country mile, is to become a practitioner. Anything you hear your agency partners; your contemporaries are doing or that you've read in The Drum that inspired you – now it's time to get your hands dirty and learn.” Here are the top three actions he recommends:

1. Download and listen to 500 podcasts. “Listen to the first 13 to 25 seconds of all of them to become educated about the copy of the live reads in the podcast advertising ecosystem. My belief is, over the next three to five years, that ecosystem will become incredibly important. There are not many marketers left that were around during the golden era of the live radio read. And I believe, because of the way technology loves to circle, we are all going to be highly required to be good creatives when it comes to reads. Pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll live read ads by hosts are about to become an incredibly fruitful landscape. Listen to the ads intuitively, and very carefully. See what insights you can extract. When the time arises for you to be in a meeting where audio is right, you'll be a better executive, [in a better place] to make a decision.”

2. Actually sell something on Shopify. “E-commerce has now become the single most important thing. Go to Shopify, literally take something out of your cabinet, or closet, and make a product for it. Learn how to sell one thing, one product. Maybe you're lucky enough to have a [family member] that has a direct-to-consumer business. Instead of being this stodgy kind of big marketer, realize what they're doing matters more than what you're doing. Spend a week or a day with them really double clicking, really learning the dynamics of an ad from Instagram, how it lands on an e-commerce landing page. Get dirt underneath your fingernails. I can’t pontificate enough how much e-commerce is going to matter to everybody. It's just a big deal.”

3. Read all of the comments about your brand on social media. “Reading comments at a scale is completely foreign to a seasoned marketing executive. I believe that if everybody just took five meaningful hours and read every comment on every YouTube video, every Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn post, about their business and then searched their brand in those ecosystems that they would get more value than their investments in Bain, McKinsey or focus groups.”

Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company, and the active CEO of VaynerMedia.

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Podcast Shopify 3 Actionable Insights

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