The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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By Amit Bapna, APAC editor-at-large

May 27, 2024 | 2 min read

The commercial from Leo Burnett India reveals that girls are starting their periods as young as eight years old and stresses how that should never mean they don’t continue in education. It’s a poignant and important ad that takes our top spot today.

Sanitary pad brand Whisper has launched an important ad that highlights how girls today are getting their periods much younger while flagging that education and awareness aren’t happening until a much later stage. Research indicates that nearly 26 million girls are at risk of dropping out of school due to starting their periods and not having adequate support and education.

This ad from the P&G-owned brand brilliantly continues to smash taboos around menstrual cycles, encouraging adults to have conversations with young girls about these changes and how to deal with them.

It effectively uses imagery of young girls in a bathroom to underscore their vulnerability and lack of preparedness. This visual representation highlights just how naive and inexperienced these schoolchildren are when it comes to dealing with their periods.

Whisper’s campaign is a call to action for parents, teachers and communities to provide the necessary support to ensure that menstruation does not interrupt a girl’s educational journey.

Creative Creative Works Leo Burnett

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