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Ask The Drum Beta

Say hello to your brand new AI advisor for all things marketing, media, creative and tech. When there’s something you need to know, just Ask The Drum.

Our new AI search engine reads every relevant article on The Drum to provide you with the answers you’ve been looking for.

In essence, Ask The Drum does the work so you don’t have to. Want to know which company had the most awarded campaign of 2024? Or what does de-influencing even mean? Ask The Drum and we’ll find the answer (almost) instantly.

or for free now to access Ask The Drum.

Say hello to your brand-new AI advisor for all things marketing, media, creative and tech.

Our new AI search engine reads every relevant article on The Drum to provide you with the answers you’ve been looking for. In essence, Ask The Drum does the work so you don’t have to.

Want to know which company had the most awarded campaign of 2024? Or what does de-influencing even mean? Ask The Drum and we’ll find the answer (almost) instantly.

or for free now to access Ask The Drum.

Q. How does it work?

Unlike other generative AI tools (ahem, naming no names), you can trust Ask The Drum to provide you with verified answers based solely on the verified editorial content The Drum produces. Powered by our partners at Miso, Ask The Drum will respond to your question with a summarised answer and a link to the key sources of the answer. Want to go deeper on your chosen topic? Follow the links to the source articles to find out more.

Q. Where can I find Ask The Drum?

You will find the Ask The Drum box in most of our articles and also on our dedicated Ask The Drum page.

Q. How do I get started?

You will need to login to The Drum to start asking questions. Registering with us is free and you can do so . Once you’re logged in, you will be able to ask the tool five questions a month. Subscribers to The Drum Plus can ask unlimited questions.

Subscribe here to unlock unlimited questions.

Q. Are you replacing your editorial team with robots?

Definitely not. Our editorial team will still be producing the editorial and business intelligence content you know and love. The editorial team can see what you’re all searching for and create content that we know our audience is interested in. It’s a win all round.

Q. What data are you collecting from these questions?

The Drum will record questions submitted via Ask The Drum to help us understand what our readers are interested in. Ask The Drum also collects anonymized user data that allows us to better understand the interests and intent of readers visiting the site. Learn more about The Drum’s privacy policy and Miso.ai’s privacy policy

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