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Ad of the Day Outdoor Advertising Black Friday

Cereal brand Surreal sells billboard mugshot space for a fiver


By John Glenday, Reporter

November 28, 2022 | 2 min read

A cereal brand has made headlines with a Black Friday weekend sale letting people buy their way on to a billboard ad campaign.


Cereal brand Surreal has launched an unusual out-of-home offer

The breakfast cereal brand has offered the public the chance to get their faces on to a billboard campaign for an unusually low price, as part of a jibe at Black Friday marketing tactics.

The roadside spot from Surreal will cost bidders just £5, subverting the Black Friday spirit of milking unwary bargain hunters by flogging random tat.

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Customers who pay up can contribute a picture to a billboard campaign running at the start of 2023. Depending on demand, the billboards may get a little busy.

The billboards will advertise the sale of a family of ‘weird‘ items. Up for grabs to impulse buyers, the oddball items range from stolen pint glasses to a Tamagotchi digital pet, rescued from the 1990s.

Other sale items likely to trigger a bad bout of buyer‘s remorse include ‘strongly-worded emails‘ and a jar of crumbs said to originate from a competitor cereal brand that has been ‘ground into dust.‘ Potential collectors can browse the items here.

Launched earlier this year, Surreal touts itself as a healthy alternative to sugar-laden breakfast cereals.

Ad of the Day Outdoor Advertising Black Friday

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