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Guerilla Marketing Brand Purpose McDonald's

Jack in the Box enlists extra-large billboard to melt McDonald’s ice-cream credibility


By John Glenday, Reporter

March 16, 2022 | 2 min read

Citizens of the City of Angels wishing to cool off with a refreshing ice cream or milkshake are being urged not to get ‘McShammed’ by choosing a McDonald’s McFlurry over a limited-edition Oreo Cookie Mint Shake from Jack in the Box.


Jack in the Box goes extra-large in McDonald’s ice cream war

The fast-food showdown centers on the downtown Los Angeles branch of McDonald’s, which happens to sit in the shadow of the world’s largest digital billboard.

For the month of March, the giant screen will redirect prospective patrons from the golden arches to the nearest branch of Jack in the Box, in a sly dig at the notoriety of McDonald’s ice cream machines for breaking down.

At 40,000sq/ft, the unmissable advertisement will urge passersby to think twice over risking the disappointment of a decimated dessert menu by taking their custom to Jack in the Box, with the promise that their ice cream machines are sure to be in perfect working order.

McFlurrys have become as integral to the McDonald’s menu as the Big Mac, with customers queuing round the block to avail themselves of a walk-through billboard distributing cold refreshments.

Guerilla Marketing Brand Purpose McDonald's

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McDonald's is a fast food company that was founded in 1940 as a restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald, in San Bernardino, California, United State...

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